A huge thank you to all out very supportive patients who have been commiserating with us over the failure of the planned expansion into next door. Last week we had a visit from the head of Estates Management at the new Cluster (Bromley Bexley Greenwich Lambeth Southwark and Lewisham) who have taken over from Bromley Primary Care Trust (PCT). His view was that there were problems with "Affordability and Functional suitability". He felt that a new build was more affordable and more suitable and his suggestion was that we abandon this project and "keep looking".
I suspect that the problems are as much to do with the unfortunate timing with regard to the recession and health service restructuring as to the suitability of the project.
Well the questionnaire did not happen as promised last time but that was because I could not make the software work. I shall have another go later this week.
The data on appointment demand has gone off to be analysed and our deadline for making changes has slipped slightly. The new way of working is being trialled in a couple of larger Bromley practices already and we hope to learn from them too.
We have applied to the Business Support Unit (the remaining local arm of the old PCT) to change our extended hours. That is to say the hours we open outside of 8am to 6.30pm. We will keep our late Tuesday evening (6.30 - 8pm) but have asked to move Saturday morning to a 7.15am start on a Friday. This is in part because of poor attendance at the Saturday surgery and frequent non attenders but also based on the survey we ran earlier in the year where there was an fairly even split between patients who wanted mornings and those who wanted evenings or Saturdays. To date we do not know if this change has been approved.
We are short handed on reception again because of staff illness and looking back realise that our wonderful receptionists have now worked a complete year with one member of staff or another absent on sick leave or maternity leave. In the circumstances the fact that they do their jobs so well is all the more remarkable and they deserve huge thanks for all their hard work.
By the end of the year we should be using an upgraded computer software programme that will eventually allow you to log into your own medical record where ever you are in the world, provided you have your password and security details logged with the system. It is hoped that this will allow you both to check your own record for accuracy but also in case of emergency help you inform any healthcare professionals treating you. It will be a little while before this is fully functional and we will have to work quite hard to make sure we are up to speed with the new software in time for the switch over. Our first training day is in early August.