The FoodBank Urgently need the following Donations
Foodbank needs: tinned potatoes & tomatoes, long life fruit juice, coffee, desserts, UHT Milk, sweets, shower gel, shampoo,
washing up liquid, washing powder.
In addition to these items
Foodbank particularly need extra supplies of the following items for the next six weeks to help families whose children receive
school dinners during term time and struggle during the school holidays: Tinned Vegetables, Fruit, Hot Meat, Cold Meat, Rice
Pudding, Custard, Tinned Tomatoes, Squash, UHT Milk. Thank you
Donations can be left at Reception or alternatively can be left at Sainsbury's Station Road West Wickham.
Donations can also be taken straight to the foodbank - United Reformed Church (Next to Boots) Widmore Road, Bromley BR1 1RY (Tues 10-2 or Thurs 12-4)