
We are encouraging patients to give their views about how the practice is doing. We would ike to be able to find out the opinions of as many patients as possible. We would also like to keep you up to date with plans for and changes to the practice. Add this site to your favourites to keep in touch with us. Please note that no medical infomation or questions will be responded to via this blog.

Monday, 4 June 2012

Change always comes bearing gifts.

It was good to see Manor Road decked out today for the Jubilee. I hope all of you have enjoyed the extended weekend's celebrations in one way or another.

My Friday surgeries sandwiched interviews for the new practice manager. We had also held some interviews earlier in the week and are happy to report that we saw a good range of high quality candidates with a mulitude of different strengths and experiences. We think we have found an excellent replacement for Sue and will share the details once we know they have accepted the challenge.

Saturday started with a return visit to the surgery for a new front door to be fitted, while Wickham Windows were doing the hard physical work, I had the chance to catch up on a backlog of my own work so started the weekend feeling virtuous. There are still a few teething problems to be sorted out with the ramp to the door (which will require some adjustment)  but we hope that it will make the waiting room lighter all year round and warmer in winter.

My Saturday afternoon involved a stroll along the Thames to enjoy the decorations and boats in advance of Sunday's pageant. Fortunately we had a drier time of it than those who braved the crowds on Sunday. Saturday evening was spent at the Emirates Stadium watching Coldplay (a fantastic spectacle in spite of the incessant rain) and following a splendid piece of advice from Chris Martin, to put all your worries and cares aside for the evening and have a good time. I suspect my husband and son attended largely in order to say they have stood on the pitch and imagined following in the footsteps of their favourite players but for me the concert was enough to make a splendid evening.

I am off to enjoy a street party tomorrow and have spent my afternoon creating some rather experimental red, white and blue muffins. The taste OK but do look rather odd!

Wednesday will bring us all back down to earth and normality. The surgery is set to activate electronic prescribing on Wednesday and if you wish you can nominate the pharmacy of your choice to receive your prescriptions in this way. Pharmacies notify us if you have signed up with them and the rest should all happen easily, speedily and smoothly (watch this space...).

Those of you who book your appointments online will very soon be able to request your repeat prescriptions through the same portal.

We are now able to send you a text to remind you of your appointments at the surgery. Let us know your current mobile number and you will receive a text confirming booking and a reminder a day before. Texts are only sent between 9am and 5pm so should never disturb you at antisocial times. If you would prefer not to be texted but are happy for us to have your mobile number please let reception know and they will opt you out of the service.

Our premises negotiations are progressing with Essential Land and the General Practice Investment Corporation Ltd and we have confirmed our interest in moving the practice to their new build premises in due course.  This is likely to be a few years away yet but with the new CQC regulations for General Practice coming into force and a current building inadequate to the task we have to plan ahead. We want to involve patients in the planning and discussions and as soon as it looks as if this plan may become a reality we will be asking for your input. We have been stung so many times it is difficult to allow yourself to believe this plan may deliver.

That is probably all the news for this month but heralds quite a lot of change. I am confident that these will bear gifts.