
We are encouraging patients to give their views about how the practice is doing. We would ike to be able to find out the opinions of as many patients as possible. We would also like to keep you up to date with plans for and changes to the practice. Add this site to your favourites to keep in touch with us. Please note that no medical infomation or questions will be responded to via this blog.

Monday, 20 November 2017

Are you a good cook with some spare time?

Bromley Homeless shelter opens this week. They are looking for volunteers to cook on Thursday evenings at the United Reformed Church (URC) in Widmore Road, Bromley on a rota once every 2 to 4 weeks. Cooks helpers are also required.

Volunteers can speak to Anne on 07860 100201 for more information.

Foodbank Update

A huge thank you to the children, their parents and the staff at Bellissima Nursery who collected two large crates of food for the food bank.
In the run up to Christmas the items that foodbank most require are:
men's and ladies toiletries such as shower gel and shampoo and household goods - toilet rolls washing detergent, washing up liquid, nappies, 10p bags for life, coffee and desserts.

As ever these can be delivered to reception at the surgery or left at Sainsbury's Station Road, West Wickham. Alternatively donations can be delivered to the food bank at  the United Reformed Church (next to Boots) Widmore Road, Bromley BR1 1RY on Tuesdays between 10am and 2pm or Thursdays between 12 noon and 4pm.

Sunday, 5 November 2017

Bromley Homeless Shelter

A massive thank you for your support and sponsorship for the sleepout.  The evening was a great success. Twenty nine of us slept out dotted about the churchyard. It was a wet night but our spirits were still good the next morning.
My sponsors pledged a massive £730.01 (and there is still time to add to this 🙂)

Overall donations have exceeded £10,600 and it has spread the word about the issues of homelessness.  Please keep the homeless in mind as we approach winter and thank you again on behalf of the shelter's guests and clients.
Start of the evening
Next morning

During the night